Contact Us

A few ways to get in touch with the Open Collective Team

Need Assistance?

In Discord

  • Join our Discord to reach the OC Team and the wider community

  • Feel free to introduce yourself or post content related to Open Collective in #general. We encourage you to mention your collective or fiscal host in your profile so that other members can easily connect with you.

  • Fiscal Host Specific Channels - If you’re hosted by one of our larger fiscal hosts, you can join a dedicated channel to ask questions and share information:

    • #opensource - Open Source Collective

    • #oc-europe - Open Collective Europe

  • Are you a Fiscal Host admin? Join #fiscal-hosts

  • If you need support or have questions about Open Collective, reach out to our #community-support channel or read our documentation. If you need to share any private information, talk to our Support team here.

  • Feel free to share any #news or #events, and engage with our #engineering team

  • Check out our Community Guidelines to learn more about how we all maintain a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere. You can report any issues by messaging @moderators directly or sending an email to support.

Contact a specific Fiscal Host or Collective?

  • Visit their Open Collective page, and click the small envelope below their name or the contact button on the right-hand side.

Find Us Elsewhere

Last updated

Ⓒ Open Collective 2024