Add Funds Manually

You can manually add funds to a Collective directly. This is useful when you receive a contribution for a Collective outside the Open Collective system (like a bank transfer) and want to apply it to a Collective's budget, or to represent money you're already holding on the platform.

Navigate to your Dashboard > Collectives.

Locate the Collective you'd like to add funds to. Click on the three dots and then the Add Funds button.

And fill the form with all required information to add the funds to that Collective with the following information:

  • The source of those funds. It can be your Fiscal Host, another Collective, or an Organization.

  • The Collective's tier to which the donation applies (if any)

  • A short description of those funds.

  • The effective date of which the funds cleared your bank account.

  • The Accounting Category to categorise your accounts

  • An internal memo used by other host administrators.

  • The amount of funds you want to send to a Collective.

  • Your host fee, which is the fee you charge your Collectives. It's already set to your default, but you can change it to a one-time fee of your preference.

  • Any payment processor fees that need to be included.

Once you're done, click Add Funds.

Internal Memos

Internal memos are used to indicate, to yourself and other administrators, anything of note regarding this transaction. Typically, this will be some information about the source, the provision of funds, or any stipulations under which the funds were provided. For instance:

  • A purchase order or invoice number

  • A check number or bank transaction identifier

  • A grant application and associated award

The emmo will appear to any administrator under 'view details on the transaction list:

Last updated

Ⓒ Open Collective 2024